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Offering Support to Loved Ones Living with Cancer

  • Jul 12, 2024
  • Medical Conditions

Supporting loved one living with cancer

While having private health insurance can alleviate the financial burden of cancer treatment, it is often the support from family and friends that makes the biggest difference for those living with a cancer diagnosis.

Here are some meaningful ways you can support a loved one living with cancer.

Provide emotional support to someone with cancer

Living with cancer can be emotionally overwhelming. Being there emotionally is crucial whether you’re a primary caregiver or a supportive friend. You can offer emotional support by:

Stay in touch

Regular contact is essential. Call, text, or visit them frequently to show that you’re thinking of them. Sending thoughtful gifts or cards can also be a gentle reminder of your support during this challenging time.

Listening to them is important. Sometimes, just being there to listen without offering solutions can help them feel understood and supported.

Being honest and open

Be open and share your feelings. This openness can encourage them to share their emotions as well and adopt a deeper connection and mutual understanding.

Maintaining normality

Cancer doesn’t define a person, and it shouldn’t dominate every conversation, try to keep your relationship as normal as possible. Engage in the same activities you enjoy together, and keep conversations balanced between everyday life and their current situation. These normal conversations can provide a comforting sense of routine and normality.

Respect their boundaries

Understand and respect their need for space. Everyone copes differently, and sometimes they may need time alone to process their emotions. Always be mindful of their boundaries and allow them to take the lead in deciding when and how to interact.

Offer practical help

Practical assistance with daily tasks can be helpful.

Some things you can do include:

  • Grocery shopping: offer to do their weekly food shop or pick up some essentials when they’re running out.
  • Childcare: help with looking after their children or managing school runs if needed.
  • Transportation: offer transport to and from medical appointments.
  • Household chores: assist with cleaning, laundry, or other household tasks.

Always check in with them to see what they need and respect their wishes if they prefer to handle things themselves.

Encourage Self-Care and Positivity

Encouraging your loved one to engage in self-care and maintain a positive outlook can significantly impact their well-being. Suggest activities that they enjoy and can partake in, such as gentle exercises, hobbies, or relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga. These activities can help alleviate stress.

Additionally, maintaining a positive environment by celebrating small victories and progress can boost their morale. Remind them that it’s okay to have bad days, but focusing on the good moments and finding joy in little things can make a big difference in their overall mental health.

Educate Yourself About Their Condition

Taking the time to educate yourself about your loved one's specific type of cancer and treatment plan can be incredibly supportive.

Understanding what they are going through can help you offer more relevant and effective support. Researching reputable sources, attending medical appointments with them, and asking healthcare professionals questions can provide valuable insights. This knowledge not only helps in anticipating their needs but also enables you to have informed discussions about their condition, which can be comforting for your loved one knowing you are invested in their journey.

Assist with medication management

If you’re spending a significant amount of time with someone undergoing cancer treatment, help them manage their medications.

Ensure they take their medicines as prescribed, including timing and dietary instructions. This can be a significant relief and help them focus on recovery.

Seek and accept support

Supporting someone with cancer can be challenging. Remember there are many resources available to help you and the person living with the diagnosis. Cancer support organisations, such as Macmillan Cancer Support and Cancer Support UK can offer a wealth of information and assistance.

These organisations provide practical tips, financial advice, and treatment guides to help you understand and navigate the care process.

Utilise your health insurance coverage

At Freedom Health Insurance, we aim to support our policyholders through every step of their journey. If you, a friend, or a family member has a policy with us, you may be covered for cancer treatment.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is provided for informational purposes only and does not substitute medical advice from a healthcare professional.